more than 10 years of cartoon teaching experience.
EURO-KARTOENALE KRUISHOUTEM - BELGIUM / CHANCES AND OPPORTUNITIES / selected for the exhibition and catalogue of the 23rd edition of the Euro-kartoenale Kruishoutem Belgium (2021)
nominations of THE FIRST INDONESIAN CARTOON FESTIVAL /'ANTI HOAX' / Solo-Indonesia / December 20, 2020
Cartoon Contest Jury Committee/ Day of Safety against Earthquake & Natural Disasters /Tabriz / 2014.
Cartoon Contest Select Committee / 4th International City & Citizen cartoon contest /Tabriz / 2013
No / Solo Caricature Exhibition, no to violence / Boostan Khaghani culture center, Tabriz/ Nov. 2011
Bitter Silence / Group Caricature Exhibition, Concerning Varzeghan Earthquake / Boostan Khaghani culture center, Tabriz/ Sep. 2012
Inside Shadows / Solo Caricature Exhibition, Concering onconseios mind's games / Boostan Khaghani culture center, Tabriz/ Dec. 2013
Slept Lake / Solo Caricature Exhibition, Concerning Disasterous Urumia Lake /Ostad Yasemy art gallery, Tabriz Culture House, Tabriz/ Aug. 2017
Orangeism / Solo Caricature Exhibition, Concerning peace Ostad Yasemy art gallery, Tabriz Culture House, Tabriz/ Nov. 2017
thousand faces
inside out
inside out
Oil and Electricity