Analyzing harmful compounds in food with personal data.
2022 / Polimi
The poster is a candy which is metaphor for all the harmful compounds inside food items I have eaten in the last two years. And a book that shows more details about every food and its harmful parts separately.
Metaphors Used
The candy is metaphor for all the harmful compounds inside food.
Intended Meaning
It may have happened to many of us that we have lost our loved ones due to cancer or other diseases. In the face of many diseases, we may not be able to do anything. However, in some of them, we can, such as avoiding eating foods that contain carcinogens. Additionally, healthy eating is challenging in the fast-paced digital age. We generally think that if we eat less fast food, we have a more healthy diet. But the reality of having a healthy diet is much more complicated. Most of the things we consider healthy contain preservatives, palm oil, etc., which affect our health in the long run, and we should be very aware.
My food diary in Yazio app for last two years